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This country is a nation of immigrants. However, our immigration system is broken and doesn't reflect America's values. I am here to change that.


Immigration and Nationality Act

The Immigration and Nationality Act is the immigration law of the United States; the law has been amended over the years.

The law says who is eligible to stay here and also what documents are needed to stay in the country.

Fix the problem of 11 million undocumented immigrants

11 million people breaking the law is a problem that America has. While it is true that most of these people haven't harmed anyone else nor committed crimes that make them a danger to society, the fact is that they still broke the law. However, I do not believe that deporting 11 million people is the answer and frankly, it is impossible. 

I propose that undocumented people should come forward and pay taxes and get in the back of the line to eventually get their citizenship.

I am a strong believer that children are the future of America and I am also a strong believer in the American Dream, that is why I support the DREAM Act. These "DREAMers" call America their home and they are American in every way except on paper. Why should these children be denied the right to work, study, and live in their country because of the choice of their parents years ago?



What am I going to do?

Current Legislation


Can you imagine being seperated from your family at the age of 5.m a paragraph. Well this is unfortunately the situation in America in a family of citizens and undocumented people. If a child is born in America then that child is American, logically. But what if that child's parents get deported? Who will take care of the American child? I will make it a priority in my legislation to reunite families that are being separated because of America's broken immigration system. 

Reuniting Families




Shorter Wait Times

Immigrants who want to come here legally face an obstacle -- time. How can America encourage immigrants to come here legally if the wait time to get here is 5 years or more. If we want legal immigration to happen over illegal immigration, then we need to make legal immigration accessible and feasible. 

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